Welcome to 2022-23 at Bushy Park!

August 12, 2022


Dear Bushy Park Community,


It is with great excitement that we welcome your family to the 2022-23 school year at Bushy Park!  Our theme for the 2022-23 school year as a staff is Moving Forward Together. We will live this theme through supportive relationships with students, families, and one another, by providing high-quality learning experiences for all students, and by uplifting student and staff voice.  It is our commitment to you to make this year an exceptional experience for your child at our school.


Each week during the year, we will send our Bushy Bear Tales newsletter.  We know that your inboxes are full and your time is precious.  It is our hope that our newsletter will keep you informed about important dates and information relevant to your child.  All of our newsletters will also be archived on our website here.  We will also do our very best to ensure that our website is updated regularly with information that you need to stay informed about what is happening at school.  We encourage you to take a few moments to explore our website.  You can find contact information for everyone on our staff, information about arrival and dismissal procedures, and time-sensitive information about upcoming events all on our website.


Please update your Family File for the 2022-23 school year.  Family File serves as our online emergency card, and every student must have an updated Family File in place - including kindergarten students and students new to Bushy Park who may have just registered.  To update your Family File, please visit https://www.hcpss.org/connect/, login using your parent/guardian credentials, and select “More Options” from the left hand side.  You will need to click through each section of the Family File, make any applicable changes to your child’s information, and save.  An updated Family File is needed for all students, and parents will not be able to view classroom teacher assignments on August 24 if the Family File is not updated. 


We are looking forward to a terrific year together! Please do not hesitate to contact either one of us directly if you have any questions.  We look forward to seeing our students and families in just a few weeks!




Julia Bialeski, Principal

Tom Dewees, Assistant Principal



Upcoming Dates:


8/18     PTA Meeting (Virtual), 7:00-8:00pm

8/24    Teacher assignments available in HCPSS Connect (for families who have updated Family File)

8/26    Open House & Orientation (See below for more information)

8/29    First Day of School for Students, K-5

9/1    First Day of School for Students, Preschool & Prekindergarten

9/5    Schools & Offices Closed

9/9    PTA Back-to-School Picnic, 5:00-7:00pm

9/15    Back to School Night (See below for more information)

9/22    PTA Meeting (Virtual), 7:00-8:00pm

9/26    Schools & Offices Closed



Meet the New Bushy Park Staff!


We are thrilled to welcome several new Bushy Park Bears this school year!  Please get to know our new staff members by clicking here.  We now have over 100 staff members working at Bushy Park!  As a reminder, contact information for all members of our staff is located on our website at bpes.hcpss.org/school-staff



2022-23 Back-to-School Dates: Mark Your Calendars!


Friday, August 26: Open House

Audience: Students, Parents & Guardians


Monday, August 29: First Day of School for K-5

Thursday, September 1: First Day of School for RECC


Thursday, September 15: Back to School Night

Audience: Parents & Guardians




School Supply Lists


School supply lists for grades K-5 are posted on our website here.  If your family ordered school supplies through the Bushy Park PTA, they will be delivered directly to your home.  


We know that many items are consistent on school supply lists from year to year.  Families are encouraged to reuse school supplies from last year that are still in good condition.  If you need assistance with school supplies, please contact one of our school counselors, Mrs. Bengermino (elizabeth_bengermino@hcpss.org) or Ms. Purcelley (loujean_purcelley@hcpss.org), so that we can assist you.



2022-23 School Start Times & Bus Schedules


Bushy Park’s student hours will be 9:20am-3:50pm for the 2022-23 school year.  Students who are car riders should be dropped off no earlier than 9:05 am, and the late bell will ring at 9:20 am.  If you arrive after the 9:20 am bell, you will need to accompany your child into the front office to sign them in using our LobbyGuard system.  


The HCPSS Pupil Transportation Office is still working to route buses and update the stop information based on countywide enrollment.  Beginning on Tuesday, August 23, bus information, including your child’s assigned bus number, contractor contact information, bus stop location, and morning pickup and afternoon drop off times will be updated on the HCPSS website


At the beginning of the year, it is recommended that you arrive at the bus stop 10-15 minutes earlier than the posted time, to ensure that you do not miss the bus.  As the drivers are learning their new routes and acclimating to school-year traffic, it is common for buses to run a bit behind schedule at the beginning of the year.   



Homeroom Assignments & Student Schedules


Parents who have updated their Family File emergency cards will be able to log in to HCPSS Connect on Wednesday, August 24 to view homeroom teacher assignments.  To ensure that you can access this information, please go into your HCPSS Connect account and update each tab of the Family File page.  Once you have saved the information for the 2022-23 school year and provided your electronic signature, your Family File is updated.


Updating your Family File is the only way to access your child’s teacher assignment prior to the Open House on August 26.  For confidentiality reasons, we are not able to share teacher assignments over the telephone.




Student Medication Drop-Off


If your child requires medication (prescription or over the counter) during the upcoming 2022-2023 school year, your child’s health care provider must complete a medication form and/or an Epi-Pen Care form. All prescribed medications must be in properly labeled containers that include the following information:

  • Student name 

  • Medication name 

  • Dose to be given 

  • Time & Frequency of medication 

  • Prescriber’s name & signature 

  • Date of medication order

Pharmacy labels will usually contain this information.  Over-the-counter medications should be in new, unopened containers labeled with the student’s name. 


Medication drop off dates will be BY APPOINTMENT on August 24th, 25th, and 26th from 9am-3pm. Please contact the health room by phone or email to schedule an appointment date/ time. 


If you are unable to make the available appointment times, please contact the health room at (410) 313-5500 or by email at melissa_hering@hcpss.org (School Nurse) or traci_duvall@hcpss.org (Health Assistant) and we would be happy to assist you.



Breakfast & Lunch for Students


For the 2022-23 school year, both breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase each day.  Pricing will be as follows:


Breakfast - $2.00

Free/Reduced Breakfast - $0 (Find out more about FARMS here)

Lunch - $2.80

Free/Reduced Lunch - $0 (Find out more about FARMS here)

Milk only (½ pint) - $0.50 


Families may prepay with a credit card by setting up an online account at myschoolbucks.com, which also allows parents to view account activity and receive balance alerts.  Menus are available on the HCPSS website through Nutrislice.