School Improvement Plan

The School Improvement Plan at a Glance for 2024-2025 can be viewed here.



Bushy Park Elementary School




Bushy Park Elementary School VISION & MISSION


Vision: We promote high standards in a safe, supportive, and inclusive school environment that inspires all to be the best version of themselves. 


Mission: We recognize the whole child by celebrating diversity, nurturing well-being, and creating lifelong learners who positively impact the world around them.

Reading Strategy: 


Statement of Commitment: We commit to implementing all components of literacy instruction while providing Tier 1 instruction so that students will have the optimum amount of instructional time with Tier 1 and Tier 2 or 3 when necessary.


Action Steps:

  • Ensure that the master schedule (2 hour reading block) allows staff who provide supplemental support to students to access identified students with the frequency, duration, and group composition as outlined by the program requirements and central office expectations. 

  • Engage in collaborative planning to ensure consistency of literacy instruction and teaching the intent of the standards.

  • Use literacy walkthrough tools to assess the fidelity of implementation of literacy instruction and engage in team feedback and reflection to make adjustments to refine instructional practice.

  • Engage in professional learning with the literacy coach on the science of reading and effective instructional strategies. Apply learning to instructional practice.


Mathematics Strategy: 

Statement of Commitment:We commit to meaningfully engaging students in mathematics learning that fosters student agency and self-efficacy so that students will develop productive learning behaviors and dispositions that support their understanding and mastery of content.


Action Steps:

  • Structuring lessons so that students have opportunities to do and discuss mathematics before explicit instruction takes place.

  • Selecting and sequencing student work for purposeful sharing to build understanding. 

  • Reviewing and using data to make instructional decisions to respond to student learning needs using an established data protocol.

Attendance Strategy: 

Statement of Commitment:We commit to engaging in regular attendance meetings and in timely communication with families regarding student attendance so that each student and family will be more informed about their own student’s attendance and system policy.


Action Steps:

  • Begin positive relationships with families from the start of school (e.g. welcome phone call, back-to-school night).

  • Work with school staff (through professional learning, repeated communications, etc.) to establish consistent and accurate attendance data collection (e.g., teachers consistently taking attendance), reporting (e.g., entering into Synergy), and reviewing (e.g., using Hoonuit dashboards).

  • Ensure attendance team meetings are occurring at least monthly.

  • Follow attendance procedures to communicate with families including the initial Call of Care and Concern procedure and follow up letter; generate & send attendance letter based on the attendance data. Begin the process at the classroom level.


Discipline Strategy: 

Statement of Commitment:We commit to engaging in processes to norm application of the Student Code of Conduct so that students will experience more consistent disciplinary actions as evidenced by consistent discipline practices.


Action Steps:

  • Designated staff will engage in the monthly discipline discussion- PBIS team (whole group), SST (individual students).

  • Quarterly communication with families regarding the Student Code of Conduct and discipline practices. 

  • Quarterly communication with students that includes clear expectations around the student code of conduct- Quarterly award ceremony.



Belonging: All students, staff, and families experience belonging; and each person’s physical, social, and emotional needs are met.

Opportunity & Access: All students, staff, and families can access pathways that expose them to high-quality learning experiences.

Instructional Excellence: All students and staff are provided with the resources necessary to deliver and experience high-quality instruction.

Engaged & Inspired Learners: All students and staff are empowered to shape their teaching and learning experiences.