Please visit the HCPSS website for Students in Quarantine here for many resources and answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the quarantine protocols and instructional supports. Visit for a wealth of information.
While it is our hope that all members of our community remain healthy and well, we recognize that there will be occasions when students are required to quarantine due to close contact with an individual who tests positive for COVID-19. While your child is home, there are several opportunities for them to remain engaged in learning and receive supports. Though COVID-related absences are considered excused absences, it is important that your child take advantage of these opportunities so they are able to return from quarantine and easily transition back into in-person instruction.
The following instructional resources are available for your child to remain academically engaged during quarantine:
All pre-kindergarten through grade five students will be provided a packet of grade level instructional materials that cover all content areas including related arts. The packets are only to be used in the event a student needs to quarantine. These packets will also be available on the HCPSS website and via each teacher’s Canvas page. The tasks that students complete from the packet will not be used as an assessment or counted toward any part of the students’ report card grade.
Students may also access instructional materials via their teacher’s Canvas page. If your child does not possess a device, one will be assigned by the school.
In addition to working on the instructional packet and accessing instructional resources from teachers’ Canvas pages, students may participate in two weekly virtual check-ins with their teacher(s) to ask questions or receive help with reading/language arts and mathematics asynchronous assignments. At Bushy Park, these are held on Monday (math) and Thursday (homeroom/ELA) mornings from 8:45-9:05am via Google Meet. The Google Meet code will be located on the teacher’s Canvas calendar.
Beginning in mid-September, students will have access to virtual tutoring services via the Evening School program.
Additionally, staff are available to support your child’s social-emotional health and well-being during their period of quarantine. Please reach out to members of our student services team to schedule time to meet. Our school counselor, Beth Bengermino, can be reached at, and our school psychologist, Andrea Cohn, can be reached at
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any member of our school administrative team with any questions.