Attention 4th & 5th Graders - MESA at BPES!

Click here to view the MESA Introduction Video from Mr. Kollosch!


Hello Bushy Park Students and Families!


My name is Mr. Kollosch and I am a second grade teacher at Bushy Park. I am brand new to Bushy Park, but I wanted to bring something really cool from my old school and see if some Bushy Park students are up for the challenge. 


I will be hosting a new club after school called MESA for fourth and fifth grade students. MESA stands for Math, Engineering, Science Achievement. It is administered by John Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. MESA club provides an opportunity for students at the elementary level to explore their interests in STEM education and careers.


Students will participate in project-based team competitions ranging from county to state level competitions. Students experience engineering, computer programming, physics, and many more STEM opportunities while developing strong communication and collaboration skills in teams.


MESA is an awesome experience, but no easy task. I am looking for students who are willing to make a commitment for a majority of the school year and for students who have strong interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. 


If you are interested in being part of MESA, fill out the google form application that will be sent out with this announcement (the link is below). The deadline to submit an application is Friday, October 22nd. If you would like to learn more about MESA, I have provided a link to the MESA website in this announcement as well. Please check Take Home Folders next week for a MESA brochure with more information.


I have heard such amazing things about Bushy Park before I moved here. Being part of the Bushy Park family and community for only one month, I know that Bushy Park has what it takes to be part of MESA. Let’s show the rest of Howard County and the state of Maryland, how awesome we are!


-Mr. Kollosch


MESA Application Link


MESA Website




Q: I filled out an application, what now? 

A: After the applications are reviewed, students who have been accepted will receive a notification of acceptance. The notification will include instructions for registration, information about our first meetings and MESA expectations. Parents and guardians will be notified and provided information as well


Q: Who can join MESA?

A: Fourth and fifth grade students can participate. MESA club is limited to 25 students, so please try your best when filling out the application. MESA coordinators look for students with interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.


Q: When is MESA?

A: MESA will meet on Wednesdays, for an hour and a half after school (4:05pm - 5:35pm), in-person. The plan is to begin meeting in November and the county competition will take place in the Spring, so plan to be part of MESA for the majority of the school year. (Meeting days and times may change depending of needs of the students and school schedule.)


Q: What if we can’t meet in person?

A: If students are quarantined or simply not able to meet in-person on meeting days, they can still participate virtually during our meeting time.