Medication Drop Off
Drop off appointments will be scheduled for Wednesday February 24th
If your child requires medication (prescription or over-the-counter) during the school day, your child's health care provider must complete this medication form and/or this Epi Pen care form . Please be sure that all portions of the form are completed. All medications must be in properly labeled containers that include the following information:
• Student name
• Medication name
• Dosage to be given
• Time and frequency of medication
• Date of medication order
• Prescriber’s name
• Expiration date of medication
Pharmacy bottles will usually contain all of this information. Over-the-counter medications such as cold, allergy, and headache medications should be labeled with the student’s name in black marker and brought to the health room in new, unopened containers.
We will be scheduling appointments for medication drop off on Wednesdays, beginning 02/24/2021. Please contact our school health assistant to schedule an appointment by email at If you are unable to bring your child's medication to school on this date, please contact the Health Room to make other arrangements.
On the day of your appointment, please enter the school at the front entrance. You will be met within the front vestibule. Medication and order forms will be reviewed at that time. You will then be asked to sign in your child's medication. Please adhere to the following guidelines.
- Please do not come to school if you are sick (temp of > 100 F, cough, or shortness of breath) or if you have been asked to quarantine or self-isolate.
- You must wear a mask.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.