2019-20 Spirit Days!

Our spirit days were brainstormed by our fifth grade students!  We encourage our students to show their school spirit by participating in the following spirit days this year:

Date Spirit Day Details Fri 9/27 Crazy Hat Day Wear a crazy hat! Fri 10/11 Gladiator Day Represent the GHS Gladiators by wearing Red, Black, and White! Fri 10/25 Pink Out Wear pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Fri 11/22 Jersey Day Represent your favorite sports team! Fri 12/20 Pajama Day Welcome winter break in your PJs! Thurs 1/23 International Day Wear clothing to represent your heritage, then join us for the PTA International Night this evening! Fri 2/28 Wacky Tacky/Crazy Hair Day       Tue 3/17 St. Patrick's Day Wear green for St. Patrick's Day! Wed 3/25 Maryland Day Dress in Red, Yellow and Black like the MD Flag! Fri 3/27 Neon Day Wear your favorite neon colors! Fri 4/24 Tie Dye Day Wear tie dye attire! 5/4 Star Wars Day May the 4th be with you! Fri 5/29 Dress Alike Day Dress up similar to a friend! Fri 6/12 Flag Day Wear red, white and blue!