Field Day 2017 Coming Soon: Information and Requests for Parent Volunteers

AWITP School Photo Field Day 5.27.16 pic.png

                                                                Bushy Park School Community on Field Day 2016  Photo by Mrs. Murphy


Field Day 2017 is just around the corner on Friday, June 2 (rain date June 5).  During Field Day, we emphasize teamwork and good sportsmanship. All students in RECC through fifth grade will participate in Field Day. Field Day will be a full day event for all students with over 50 different activities from which students can choose. There will be stations where students have the option to get a little wet, so please have students dress accordingly.


To build a sense of team spirit in each grade level, your child will be assigned a team color to wear.  This also helps us identify the grade level groups of students as they rotate through their activities. See below for the color each grade will wear. We are asking students to wear a solid colored t-shirt with their assigned color on Field Day. The colors are the following:

5th Grade-  Light Blue

4th Grade-         Green

3rd Grade-       Orange

2nd Grade-White/Gray

1st Grade-        Yellow

Kindergarten-      Red


This year we're using (formerly VolunteerSpot) to organize our upcoming Field Day Sign-ups. Here's how it works:


1)   Go to this link to see our Sign-up:


2)   Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like. Please note that sign-up spots differ in

      duration based on the schedule for Field Day.


3)  Please ensure that you can work for the ENTIRETY of the spot for which you sign up for. Of course, if you  

      plan to volunteer all day you may sign up for multiple spots as long as they do not overlap!


4) Sign up! It's Easy - you do NOT need to register an account or keep a password on Sign Up.


Note: Sign Up does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact us and we can sign you up manually.


If you haven’t taken the online parent volunteer training this year, please visit and complete that training.  Parent volunteer training is required.  You can access this online by clicking on  “Get Involved.”


You will receive your specific station assignment upon arrival on Field Day.  If you have any questions, please email either Mr. Rosenthal or Mr. Cruz and we can further explain the process of volunteering for Field Day.



Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Cruz

Field Day Schedule 2017 pic.png