March is Reading Month at BPES!

March is Reading Month at BPES!

We are excited to share some fun activities we have planned for March Reading Month! 

Students will be participating in both an individual and school-wide reading incentive throughout the month.  After reading for 150 minutes, students will submit their ‘Shamrock Reading Log’ to the bin in their pod and take a new reading log.  The grade with the most minutes as of March 22, will duct tape Mrs. Rutledge and Mr. Dewees to the wall! 

     Students will also participate in an individual reading challenge throughout the month.  If they complete 300 minutes of reading (2 shamrock papers) by March 22, they will earn extra recess!  

    We will also be participating in “The Masked Reader” competition.  Staff members will be recorded reading a funny poem or book excerpt with a snapchat filter.  Students will get to guess who the reader behind the mask is! 


Dates to Note:

  • Friday, March 8, we will hold a book swap.  Students can bring in gently used book(s) to trade with a classmate.  Extra books are available for students who forget to bring in a book.


  • Friday, March 8, MidAtlantic Fundraising will hold an assembly to introduce the Read-a-Thon fundraiser to the students.


  • March 11-15th Families are invited to make a poster at home advertising their favorite book to read together.  Turn into Laura Smith.  We will hang them around the school so students can get book recommendations from their peers.


  • Wednesday, March 13th will be our ‘Read & Relax at the Park’ day.  Students are invited to wear their pajamas and bring a favorite stuffed animal and flashlight to snuggle up and read.  Classes will participate in ‘shared reading’ with another grade level.


  • Monday, March 18 will be book character day.  Students are invited to dress as their favorite book character. We will have a parade so we can see all the different characters throughout the school!


  • Friday, March 22 is the last day to turn in ‘Shamrock Reading Logs.”  The team with the most minutes will duct tape Mrs. Rutledge and Mr. Dewees to the wall at the end of the day!