Inclement Weather Asynchronous Instruction Plan

Tue, 12/13/2022 - 2:30pm

HCPSS Emergency / Weather Closings Website

All the information you need for Emergency/Weather Closings can be found here:


HOW TO RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES for Emergency/Weather Closings

Text the word “YES” to 67587 from the cell phone number on file in HCPSS Connect.


What are the asynchronous day status codes and how will they be used?

Similar to current HCPSS operating status codes, one of two new codes will be used:

For students and families, the two codes have the same meaning: Elementary school students access asynchronous tasks distributed by teachers or via the HCPSS website.


Inclement Weather Asynchronous Instruction Plan


Asynchronous instruction day materials will be posted below and updated each month, and will be accessible by computer, laptop, tablet, phone or other mobile device.


We can provide you with a printed copy if needed. Please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher if you need a printed copy. 


These tasks only need to be completed if HCPSS has an inclement weather asynchronous instruction day.

Students on an IEP who receive modified assignments will receive a paper copy of the assignment from their special education teacher or case manager. Any student with modified assignments will have a paper copy sent home. 


Directions: Students should print out the assignment and circle the completed tasks OR list the completed tasks on a separate piece of paper. Students are to submit this document or the completed tasks list to their teacher at the end of the month to get marked for asynchronous day attendance.


Preschool and Prekindergarten Tasks

Students are expected to complete a total of three multidisciplinary asynchronous tasks. Students have up to 10 school days to complete the tasks.

December Tasks


Kindergarten-Grade 5 Tasks

Students are expected to complete one asynchronous instruction day task per curricular area: Math, English Language Arts, Content (science, social studies, or health), and related arts class(es) scheduled for that day. That is a total of FOUR tasks per asynchronous day.

Students have up to 10 school days to complete the tasks.

December Tasks

Attendance for Asynchronous Days for Inclement Weather

Elementary students will indicate attendance by submitting a list of their completed tasks at the end of each month. A parent can simply write a note of the tasks completed on a sheet of paper and return to the homeroom teacher. 


For asynchronous days occurring less than nine days before the end of the month, tasks completion lists will be collected at the end of the next month. Attendance for asynchronous days will be updated monthly.