Car Loop Procedures - Arrival and Dismissal



  • The car loop (yellow arrows) is to be one lane at all times.  Please do not pass cars or use the left-hand lane to exit the car loop ahead of other cars.

  • Students may begin exiting cars at 9:00 am, once car loop staff are outside.  Students may wait under the overhang until doors are opened in front of the school.

  • Doors will be opened at 9:05 AM.

  • All students arriving by car must be in the car line.  Please do not park and walk your child to the door. This is for the safety of all students and staff members.

  • Students should only exit cars on the curb (passenger) side when possible.  

  • Parents are asked to practice courtesy with other drivers and to follow staff directions to ensure a safe and orderly drop off.  

  • All students should be in their classroom by 9:15  Students not in classrooms at that time will be marked tardy. 


BPES Car Loop Procedures - Dismissal


Dismissal Procedures


  • Dismissal begins at 3:45pm.

  • All Bushy Park students are offered HCPSS-provided transportation, and are encouraged to use that service in order to lessen the number of cars on campus. 

  • During dismissal, the entrance to the Bushy Park campus from Carrs Mill Road will be blocked with cones and will be exit only.  Parents and guardians who choose to pick up students by car must enter our property at Rt 97 in front of the Old Bushy Park, or at the stoplight at Glenwood Middle School.

  • Parents who choose to pick up students by car will queue in our car loop.  When the car loop queue is full, the line will continue on our property in front of the school, extending toward Old Bushy Park.  Students will stand at numbered spots as the line of cars moves.  Cars will exit one-way from the Carrs Mill Road exit, following staff directions. Please review the map above for a visual representation of our procedure.

  • If your child is going to be a car rider in the afternoon daily, please make sure you pick up a car rider sign at open house on August 23rd.  

    • Parents picking up children in our afternoon pre-K program will continue to park and pick up students from the RECC playground, however, they will need to enter the property at Old Bushy Park or Glenwood Middle School in accordance with our traffic pattern.

  • Parents and visitors are asked to obey all directions from staff on dismissal duty to help us maintain a safe, orderly, and civil environment at dismissal for our students and staff.


  • Outside of our RECC pickup, parents and guardians may not park and retrieve students from the front of the building.  If students are not riding home on the bus, they must get into a car in our car loop.  We ask for everyone’s partnership and cooperation as we work to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal for over 600 children each day.