2021-2022 Online Registration is Open for New Students in Grades K-12


2021-2022 Online Registration is Open for New Students in Grades K-12


 ​(Current BPES Families DO NOT NEED TO RE-ENROLL)

You can begin the online registration process for students new to Howard County! It is recommended that you work on a laptop or desktop to complete registration. Cell phone registration is not recommended. For details about registration and enrollment, visit www.hcpss.org/enroll/. Please call our BPES front office at 410-313-5500 or email Mrs. Frey jody_frey@hcpss.org, Mrs. Johnson karen_johnson@hcpss.org or Mrs. Athey kim_athey@hcpss.org with questions.


Please make certain you are in the screen for 21-22 if registering for the next school year. Please read this message in its entirety.


Kindergarten is mandatory in Maryland, so if your child turns 5 by September 1, 2021, you must register your child for the 2021-22 school year. Parents or guardians are to register students at the school serving the address where the child’s parent or guardian resides. Information on neighborhood schools can be found through School Locator https://hcpss-gis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=b1d3153921514fbead0abb0f92090217 on the school system web site or by calling the Public Information Office at 410-313-6682.


Step 1: Register Online Here: https://sisparents.hcpss.org/PXP2_OEN_Login.aspx


Step 2: Complete registration online by providing the documents listed below. The registration process is easier if you upload them during online registration. Otherwise, you will be asked to submit them via email as pdfs. I-phone users can scan documents through your notes app. (Images must be clear.)


The following documents are needed for registration:

  • Child’s evidence of birth (birth certificate)
  • An authorized record of immunizations
  • Proof of residency in the form of a signed lease or deed including signature pages
  • Current utility bill
  • Photo ID of parent/guardian
  • Proof of custody (if applicable)


Please make sure this information is completed in your online registration:


Prior Care - What type of schooling did your student have prior to Kindergarten? (Needs a value of 2. ie: if PK for a half day (1) and with parent the other half (1) = 2 or PK full day = 2) 

Prior Care Form (ENG) 

Prior Care Form (KOR) 

Prior Care Form (SPN) 


Language Survey Information: 

  1. Home Language:  this is language family uses at home to communicate with one another 
  2. Dominant Language: this is language the student is most comfortable speaking or prefers when able to speak multiple languages. If a family is confused about this (b/c child speaks more than one language) ask, “which is your child’s strongest language?" 
  3. Native Language: this is language student learned first and may be only language the student communicates in. 
  • If you have a child currently attending an HCPSS PreK program, there is no need to re-register your student for Kindergarten. Also, if your child is a current HCPSS student at BPES or any other HCPSS school, please DO NOT re-register your student.
  • If you have a multi-family living arrangement, an appointment with our PPW, Monique Finch, is required. A representative of the host family and guest family must be present for the appointment. Email monique_finch@hcpss.org for more information.


Health Forms - These forms should be completed by your child's pediatrician and dentist and emailed to our cluster nurse denie_gorbey-creese@hcpss.org or health assistant traci_duvall@hcpss.org prior to the first day of school or as soon as your child has their 5 year check-up. 



Resources From HCPSS


Off to Kindergarten Parent's Guide 

Off to Kindergarten SPN  

Off to Kindergarten KOR 


Parent Notification of Screener (REQUIRED) 

Parent Notification of Screener SPN 

Parent Notification of Screener KOR 


I'm Off to Kindergarten: A Guide for Kids and Their Families 


A+ Student Letter for Incoming Kindergarten Students 



The HCPSS Getting Ready for Kindergarten page, which includes resources to support kindergarten readiness and online registration, will be updated this winter with additional information and resources for families. This will include the information that is typically covered in the Road to Kindergarten live event, which includes information about kindergarten readiness, the kindergarten program, and registering children for school. We also encourage families to visit our Grade K Family and Community Resources page for more information about the kindergarten instructional program and ways families can support their children at home. The Prekindergarten Family and Community Resources page also contains resources for families and providers for children currently in their prekindergarten year.