Bushy Park Elementary Fifth Grade Farewell 2017
In celebration of the culmination of your child’s elementary school years, and in recognition of the successful completion of grade five at Bushy Park Elementary School, the fifth grade team is pleased to invite you to our
2017 Fifth Grade Farewell.
When: June 12, 2016 @ 9:45 am
Where: Ceremony will be held in the Bushy Park Cafeteria
Who: The fifth grade team would like to cordially invite parents or guardians to the farewell.
NOTE: Due to limited space, please no siblings.
Dress for the farewell is to be casual. We are asking that students wear their light blue fifth grade t-shirts to the ceremony so that they are a united group. Being in t-shirts and shorts will also be helpful as they move directly outside for their picnic/celebration.
Fifth grade picnic/celebration will be held on the blacktop and grass areas immediately following the ceremony and last until the end of the day. Students are encouraged to bring a bagged lunch to eat outside, but may purchase lunch from the cafeteria.
Parents/guardians are welcome to stay for all or part of the celebration.
As the focus is to be for our fifth graders, we ask again that no siblings attend the picnic/celebration.
Overflow Parking
Overflow parking is permitted at the Old Bushy Park. If you park in the bus loop, please be ready to move your car by 11:30.