Cold and Flu season is upon us. Students who are ill and have a fever should remain at home until the temperature has been normal, without the use of fever reducing medications, for 24 hours. Students with symptoms of acute illness such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, and persistent coughs should be observed at home and evaluated by their health care providers when necessary. If your child is diagnosed with a contagious illness (such as strep throat, pink eye, Fifth’s disease, etc…), he / she may not return to school until they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours or until cleared by the health care provider. We also request that you please inform the Health Room staff of these diagnoses, so that we may observe for additional cases.
It is also requested that parents refrain from bringing their sick children into the office, when the child is too ill to attend school. Children with symptoms of acute illness such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, and persistent coughs are considered contagious and should not be brought into the school building.